A Birthmother's Journey

This is the journey that begins when the author is a teenager and continues during the reunion with the son she gave up 32 years ago.

Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

I am the natural mother of two sons one, age 32 and the other age 18 and stepmother of two sons.I had to start this after my oldest son found me in July of this year after 32 years. It is one heck of a rollercoaster ride but we plan on meeting face to face in November.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I really should tell more about my baby's father. His name was David Steven Taylor. We were both just kids-he was 15 when I got pregnant and 16 when the baby was born. David had a way of charming all the girls around and that was why we got together. We were both wards of the state and just babies having a baby as I put it. The only reason I can recall his full name so clearly is because I had an older brother named David and we named the baby Jeremy Steven.


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