A Birthmother's Journey

This is the journey that begins when the author is a teenager and continues during the reunion with the son she gave up 32 years ago.

Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

I am the natural mother of two sons one, age 32 and the other age 18 and stepmother of two sons.I had to start this after my oldest son found me in July of this year after 32 years. It is one heck of a rollercoaster ride but we plan on meeting face to face in November.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Spiral

I never really got over what happened. I went deeper into the depths of depression, drug and alcohol abuse and trying to find someone who could take away the pain. I did get through college and my GED but I did it as if I were a zombie. It was just something to do to keep the memories in the back of my mind. I moved from place to place, not staying in any one spot for too long and each relationship I was in was worse than the one before.

I moved from Illinois to Washington State in an effort to start over but that didn't help much until 1987 when my life would change drastically.

I had two failed marriages under my belt and more bad relationships than I care to count when I met someone who I thought would change my life and in a lot of ways, he did. Rhett became my best friend and the father of another son. In 1986, I almost died from an ectopic pregnancy and was told I had a less than 40 percent chance of ever concieving again. Then in 1987, I found out I was 7 weeks pregnant with a boy. I gave birth to Patrick Gregory on April 3, 1988. Patrick was and still is everything to me.


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