A Birthmother's Journey

This is the journey that begins when the author is a teenager and continues during the reunion with the son she gave up 32 years ago.

Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

I am the natural mother of two sons one, age 32 and the other age 18 and stepmother of two sons.I had to start this after my oldest son found me in July of this year after 32 years. It is one heck of a rollercoaster ride but we plan on meeting face to face in November.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

It's been awhile

I know it's been awhile since I last wrote in this but illness has forced me to take a break. I have had lots more conversations with my son since the first one. One time he called me up in the middle of the night-drunker than a skunk and needing to talk. So I stayed up and listened to him till my cell phone died.

The next day he called me and asked me if he had called the previous night because he had no idea if he had. I started laughing and answered him. When he went to apologize, I told him not to, it was the least I could do. That was when he said "I love You Mom" for the first time.


Blogger Grandparents Corner said...

Hi Rose, I searched 'birthmother' today and found your blog. I was curious how the reunion went, and how you are handling it now? I would describe mine as an answer to prayer in meeting my daughter and a roller coaster of emotions afterward. Take care and all best wishes!

8:42 PM  

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