A Birthmother's Journey

This is the journey that begins when the author is a teenager and continues during the reunion with the son she gave up 32 years ago.

Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

I am the natural mother of two sons one, age 32 and the other age 18 and stepmother of two sons.I had to start this after my oldest son found me in July of this year after 32 years. It is one heck of a rollercoaster ride but we plan on meeting face to face in November.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Beginning The Search-2002

I met my life partner Michael in July 2002. He has two teenage sons who call me Mom. Well I got to wondering about my first born, my Jeremy. So Michael who had lost a child to adoption himself encouraged me to start searching for my son.

I joined groups, looked up names and e-mails when I was sent names, eventually posted a profile on a search site called Adoption.com as a birthmother in search of her son. I checked the forums every day and posted at least once a month, but I had no luck.

By this time, I had told Patrick and Michael's two boys, Sean and Dustin that I was actively looking for my first son. I had also quit all the drinking and drugs. Michael and the boys supported that decision as well.


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